Hi, my name is Anne Glover and I am the Chairperson of the Southport Kidney Fund.
Being a patient myself for many years means that I understand what it feels like to have kidney disease and the pressure it puts on both family and work life.
My vision for the SKF is to bring patients and carers together because we all travel a similar path in life. All our members are valued and I appreciate all their experiences and opinions are important and can be a help to someone. That is why every other month we get together for a coffee morning so we can encourage and have a laugh together.
I want the SKF to be a support to patients who are pre kidney failure, during the dialysis years and post transplant. The committee are volunteers who work hard on the charity’s behalf to raise funds and make a difference to patient’s lives. The SKF is open to Children as well as adults.
Thank you for taking your time to read about us and hopefully I may even get to meet you in the not too distant future.
Anne Glover – Chairperson
Hi, I’m Pam Carr the Charity’s Secretary.
I began helping out many years ago when the previous secretary decided it was time to step down. I keep records of meetings that we have, deal with correspondence and highlight any relevant issues or events that are happening. My Husband Barry is a patient at Southport Dialysis Unit but had previously had to travel many miles to be able to have his treatment. This made our lives difficult and the long hours spent travelling, undergoing treatment and then waiting to return home made a big hole.
The Southport Kidney Fund fought for nearly 20 years for a dialysis unit in our local area and finally, we saw all our hard work rewarded with a Fresenius Unit which meant that Barry could now dialyse in his home town meaning we get to spend a lot more time together.
Hi, I'm Ian Hill, and I'm the treasurer for the SKF.
I have been treasurer of the SKF since 1st April 2014. Prior to that I was senior Officer in HM Customs & Exise, and then the merged HM Revenue & customs. In a career of almost 40 years I spent a great deal of time inspecting and was Finance Manager of First Liverpool Collection, and then North West Collection, responsible for running a budget of almost £80,000,000 per year. Debbie Adams, the former Deputy Chair of SKF, approached me to consider undertaking the role of treasurer, knowing that I was retired and that members of my extended family had been or were still members of the SKF.
My responsibility is to maintain the books and records of the charity, and to ensure that this is done in a way that meets the standards of the Charities Commission. I submit our accounts each year to our accountant with all the supporting doccumentation, and deal with any queries that arise. On completion of the Financial Statement, I then sign off the accounts, as does our accountant. Details are then submitted online to the Charities Commission. In addition, I attend the SKF monthly committee meetings, voting on matters that arise. I attend the majority of social events and fund raising activities, as well as the Annual General Meeting where I present my Treasurer's Report for the year.
On a personal note, I'm commonly known as Ian, though my legal name is John. Do not be surprised to see my name on legal doccuments as John Hill.