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Southport Kidney Fund can provide assistance to patients who request it. All requests are considered fairly. If you reside in the 01704 telephone code area, or dialyse at Southport Dialysis unil, please contact one of our committee for more details.
Our committee of volunteers work tirelessly to raise funds to support our patients and other charities dedicated to Kidney Research. Each year we give donations to selected charities researching Kidney Disease and Treatments, to improve the lives of Kidney Patients worldwide. We raise funds for our work by running social events such as Charity Balls, Supermarket Collections, and Quiz Nights.
Every year we provide a Christmas Meal and entertainment for our patients, and give an annual grant towards the increased fuel bills our patients have to pay every winter. Kidney patients feel the cold much more than a normal person, and it's essential that they keep warm. We also provide a Christas Buffet for the Patients and staff at Southport Dialysis unit, and if patients have to Dialyse outside of Southport, we may be able to help with travel costs.
We liaise with the Renal Teams at both the Royal Liverpool and Aintree Hospital Trusts. This helps us to keep up to date with the latest developments in treatments, equipment and the technology that will improve the lives of patients, as well as other patient concerns like access to medical records, appointment waiting times and the security of the patient data the trust holds. We are often consulted regarding any planned improvementsto, or new investments in, (such as Aintree Hospital's new Dialysis unit opened in 2016) the Renal Services offered by the trusts that will affect our patients.
We also liaise with other local Kidney Patient Associations (KPA's), having strong ties with Aintree KPA, the North West KPA, and the British KPA. We are also afilliated to the National Kidney Federation (NKF).
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